3 Tips on Staying Organized as an Entrepreneur

I'll let you all in on a little secret. I wasn't always organized.

In fact, back in my elementary, middle school and high school days I was a pretty big slob.

I know, that's hard to believe now, especially because I truly can't live without order and structure in my life. I don't know how else to explain it, except for the fact that not long after my 21st birthday, it's like a light bulb went off and I completely transformed my life.

If you had told me then that I would be where I am now, helping other entrepreneurs and running a successful full-time business, I would have laughed in your face.

But... here I am sharing my own advice to other female entrepreneurs on how to stay organized. So all of that being said, here are my top tips:

  1. Utilize a task management tool. Not only that but one that sends you reminders and where you can completely automate it. My favorite is Click Up these days. This one holds EVERYTHING. Even our favorite family recipes are on there and I can easily map out my meals for the week including making my grocery shopping experience a whole lot easier.

  2. Utilize a file management system. Google Drive is my go to filing system. Anything from marketing materials to finance spreadsheets to headshots to my branding logos stay in this place. You want to make it so that all of these items are easily accessible and ready to be pulled at any time. Not only will this save you time but also sanity! For me, each client receives there own Google Drive folder where I keep all of the shared documents, shared folders and other important documents I'll need for them.

  3. Utilize a CRM system. This is where you can create canned emails, integrate with other programs, schedule out your appointments with potential and current clients and have that system handle all of the invoicing. Automations can be put into place whenever you onboard a new client so that it takes tasks off your plate during the time you work together. AND you can create an offboarding process to collect feedback and/or testimonials.

Organizing in your business is important. Check back on a post about staying organized in life and within your home. I see you mompreneurs!


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