10 Programs You Should Use as a Social Media Manager

This time last year, I was just getting started in my biz as a Virtual Assistant. I had no idea what to expect or where the heck it was taking me but I was trusting the big guy upstairs and learning as I went... (as I'm sure most entrepreneurs do these days!)

That being said, these programs have my back every step of the way and have set me up for the highest amount of success.

  1. Dubsado. I was introduced to this program early on and the $35 a month investment is WORTH IT. Contracts, invoices, workflows, even individual client portals is really what sold me on it. The fact that I could manage all of the behind the scenes parts of my admin services was a game-changer.

  2. Canva. Another one I invested in early on. ALL of my marketing materials have been made in Canva including my logo. Yes, I designed my own logo and branding board. One day I may invest in a design company but for now, I love my work and the colors and fonts I chose! The most important part is that you have a BRAND!

  3. FloDesk. I'll be honest, I started out with Mailchimp and though, it was great, Flodesk has those pretty email templates that everyone loves so much! I can design and create a customizable email template in under an hour. Saves me time and keeps all of my email list followers all in one spot!

  4. Google Drive. Email, calendar, Google docs, Google sheets, the ability to keep all of your files secure. I honestly don't know anyone who could live without Google! And the plus side, you can integrate it with both Dubsado and Click Up.

  5. Click Up. That leads me to my newest but probably most favorite program of all. Click Up is that customizable, automative and truly life-changing task management program that you need in your life. I keep EVERYTHING in here. From business pipeline tasks to client tasks, to blog posts, to social posts, to meal planning and chore lists! (And I even got my husband in on it to help us both stay organized which is a huge plus!)

  6. Planoly. Probably my favorite scheduler. Even though it doesn't allow you to schedule posts to LinkedIn, it still allows you to schedule for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. You have the ability to see what your feed will look like ahead of posting so that you can make sure your social channels stay on brand and is visually appealing to those new followers!

  7. Tailwind. Yes, Planoly has the ability to schedule Pinterest posts, however, Tailwind basically eats, breathe and sleeps Pinterest. You can easily schedule Pinterest posts AND this gives you the best time to post each day. Win-win!

  8. Squarespace. I was on Wordpress for almost a year and I'll be honest, my personal blog website is still on Wordpress but holy moly, Squarespace has more abilities to customize your website anyway you wish then Wordpress. Another game-changer!

  9. Voxer. Looking for a way to reach out to your clients via audio message without it being removed or being cut off after a minute? Voxer is your place to be. You can easily send minutes long messages to your clients that will help you both feel like you're working side by side all day long! Plus, this is so much better than email and having to type something out when you already have a jam-packed day!

  10. Loom. Being an online entrepreneur can get tricky. Trying to explain something over the phone or even over Zoom can become daunting. Loom allows you to record your computer's screen with a voiceover from yourself so you can easily explain how to do a task or how to run a program with one of your clients. Again, this is a game-changer when it comes to the online communication world!

After a year being into business, I have grown, learned, developed and finally found what keeps my business engine running successfully!


3 Ways to Utilize Click Up to Organize Your Social Media


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