Top 3 Tips on Battling Imposter Syndrome

What is imposter syndrome?

Per Google it is loosely defined as doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud.

Raise your hand through the screen if you've ever suffered from imposter syndrome. I'd be shocked if you haven't.

When you first start a business, it's hard to see yourself as the expert in the field, but we all have to remember that even Oprah Winfrey had to start somewhere!

The main thing to remember is that we are all human. We are going to make mistakes and we are not always going to have all the answers every single day. And that's okay.

I'm not going to lie and say that I never experience this myself, because that WOULD be a lie, but I will say there are a few things that I've done to overcome the dreaded imposter syndrome.

  1. Give ourselves grace. Nobody is perfect. Nobody knows it all. There are times where we are going to feel like we have everything in order and then other times where we feel like the world is crashing down. I'm here to say that that is okay. As my grandmother used to say growing up; this, too, shall pass.

  2. Never stop learning and growing. It's okay to admit that we don't have the answer. What's not okay? Not knowing the answer and then acting like you'll never be asked that question again. For me, that comes easy because I'm already an inquisitive person. I truly believe I have wasted a day if I didn't learn anything new that day. As entrepreneurs, we should push ourselves to constantly grow and develop ourselves. That's what will set us apart from the others!

  3. Set boundaries for yourself. You know that moment when you sit on your phone for an hour and find yourself down a rabbit hole of looking at other awesome entrepreneurs that have gone farther than you? Yeah, don't do that. Set boundaries for yourself. Only go on Instagram to engage with your target audience and ideal clients and post some awesome valuable content that only you can provide!

Remember, lady; you are awesome and you unique. You have amazing things to offer and you are great at what you do. Don't let yourself or anyone else tell you otherwise!


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