3 Ways to Utilize Click Up to Organize Your Social Media

If you haven't made the jump to Click Up in your business, you're missing out!

For those not aware, Click Up is a task management tool that allows you to create and automate tasks directly from your email and other programs as necessary. The automations used within the tool is like no other and can be customized depending on the project or system at hand.

As a system strategist, it is one of my favorite tools used in my business, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't in it every single day!

All of that being said, Click Up can be used for a multitude of options; however, one of my favorite ways to utilize it is to organize my content.

We all know as business owners, that content creation is a big part in growing and scaling our business. The more content you put out there on the most platforms possible, the better the results you get.

This can mean many moving parts with multiple team members or steps in the process.

So how do you stay organized when you're trying to manage multiple platforms and multiple pieces of content?

Here are # features that I use daily:

  1. Calendar & Table Views.

  • When it comes to organizing your content under Click Up, the calendar view helps you see the month at a glance so you can view the marketing strategy from a wide range perspective. Hot tip: Color code the different platforms so you can what's posting on what days etc.

  • You're probably wondering what I use the table view for? As a Social Media Manager, we often do social engagement for our clients and this is a great way to keep track of our cold, warm and hot leads. It's easy; you add the leads to the table and mark things off as they move through our social engagement strategy. Once any hot leads pop up, our clients are pinged and they determine whether we should continue to move forward or not. It's easy, simple and a great way to build efficiency.

  1. Customized Status Workflows.

  • When you are trying to manage a team, it's best to have a workflow put in place so that each team member is pinged whenever a task reaches that status. Our social media clients are informed when a piece of content is ready to review. Once it is approved, they hit next in the status and a member of our team is pinged to schedule that content with an automatic new due date.

  1. Automations.

  • Do you want to ping a certain team member once a task is moved to approved? There's an automation for that. Do you want to set a new due date every time the status changes? There's an automation for that. Are you looking for Click Up to apply a new template each time a task is created? There's an automation for that.

  • In other words, Click Up has an unlimited amount of options when it comes to automating your business. You can create a fully customizable experience for you and your team so that time is saved and you are doing the bare minimum.

Honestly, who else wouldn't want that extra time in their days!?

ClickUp has a wide range of capabilities but these are the main ones I use daily.

To learn more about ClickUp and other system set ups, please visit www.hqvirtualsolutions.com

'Til next time.

Wanting more? Check us out on YouTube and get access to a screen-share where we show you these features in real time!


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