8 Canned Emails That Can Save You Time in Both Honeybook & Dubsado


Here's the kicker... canned emails can SAVE you time, especially within your CRM platform. (Like Dubsado or Honeybook!)

*NOTE: If you don't have a CRM platform within your business, I HIGHLY recommend that you invest in one.

A CRM tool is a Customer Relationship Management tool that basically up-levels your client experience AND can save you time.

Think about it... our businesses wouldn't be anywhere if it weren't for our amazing clients. So, why not provide an amazing experience back to them... through canned emails!?

With tools like Dubsado or Honeybook, you can send follow ups, client contracts, invoices, client check-ins and onboarding emails directly to the client... AND the tool can either DO IT FOR YOU or can send automatic reminders to yourself to plug and play a canned email template.

So, what are some Canned Email templates that you should regularly keep within your CRM tool to SAVE you time!? We have the answers for you below:


Picture this: a client reaches out through your lead capture form. And the system pings you to review their answers. After reviewing the form, you decide you want to schedule a Consultation Call with them.

Well, think about how long it could take you to review their form if you are busy working on another client project OR you're on vacation? That's right, it could take anywhere between a few hours to a couple of days, depending on your availability. To prevent the client from feeling abandoned, you can even set up an entry point email where you let them know that you'll review their form and get back to them within 48 hours! This allows the client to feel well taken care of WITHOUT you having to manually follow up RIGHT AWAY!


So, you're ready to schedule a Discovery Call with them? Great!

By having a canned email, that includes an appointment link, you can easily plug and play that into the Client's project and send it off with a click of a button! In both Dubsado and Honeybook, that appointment link can include your calendar's availability and information on where that appointment will take place. i.e. a Zoom call or an in-person tour.


From a client's perspective, an appointment confirmation is SO IMPORTANT. This confirmation email can include the details of the appointment (like date and time), the location of the appointment, the conferencing link (if necessary), an add to calendar button AND even rescheduling or cancellation options.

Along with a confirmation email, I always recommend to my client's that they have reminders being sent at least a day or two in advance of the appointment, and possibly an hour beforehand. All of this can automatically be set up in either Dubsado or Honeybook!


A client signs their contract and is officially on your books! Congrats!

What happens next? I recommend sending them a welcome email, letting them know you're so excited to work with them and can't wait to get started. This welcome or onboarding email can include next steps, whether it be to fill out your Intake Questionnaire or to schedule a Kick-Off Call with you!

Whatever your next steps may be, letting the client know that you're still there and they'll be hearing from you regularly will help them feel much better about working with you AND provide that up-leveled client experience that your amazing client deserves!


Let's be honest, we all send invoice emails AND invoice reminders!

In Dubsado and Honeybook, invoice reminders can be set up through an invoice's payment plan. Honeybook even has the ability to send an automatic invoice reminder a day before an invoice is due, so that client can plan accordingly. AND through Dubsado, you can turn on autopay, so the client is automatically charged through the card on file. (If you want to use this autopay option through Dubsado, I HIGHLY recommend, you set up a reminder to go out a day or two before the card is charged, so the client is well in the know!)


For online service providers, you may have a recurring or ongoing client that has a 6-month+ contract to work with you.

Well, what happens when they're contract is coming to a close? Most of the time, you send an email letting them know that their contract with you is expiring and if they wish to renew, they will have to let you know, so you can continue your contract for another 6 months or more.

This canned email can be plugged and played and sent 30 days or more before the contract end date, so that everyone is in the know and you can plan accordingly with your availability and other clients on the radar!


Ask your clients for feedback using a canned email that includes a feedback form.

Yes, I know asking a client for feedback can be a bit scary sometimes, but it is very important to provide a great client experience overall. Plus you can learn from the feedback for your future clients!

This step can be automated in both Dubsado and Honeybook.


I highly recommend having a canned email that you use when you're about to have some time off for vacation or personal things.

In Dubsado or Honeybook, you can keep this canned email generic and plug and play your upcoming vacation or time off dates in the canned email before sending it off to your current clients.

But, what about those emails that are automatically sent through Dubsado!? Great question! Dubsado will automatically send emails to the clients when a recurring invoice is sent or a Contract has been signed, and in the past, these emails were not able to be customized to fit your own brand voice.

But, guess what!? Now you can even edit those emails as well. Click the video below as I show you how!

Need help updating your business' canned emails to ultimately save you time? Reach out and we can get you a customized package based on your specific needs!


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