3 Reasons Why You Should be Auditing Your Systems


You should be auditing your systems, specifically Dubsado, at lease once every quarter!

I'll say that again for those people in the back... You should be auditing your systems at least ONCE EVERY QUARTER!

Take a step back and look at your business as a whole. Where were you in business a year ago!? If I had to guess, I'm assuming your business has either made more money, gotten more clients, changed your offerings, or all three!

The truth is, our businesses are CONSTANTLY changing and evolving, especially as our world does.

So, what does this mean from a systems perspective!? It means that you need to audit your systems and make sure you're running as efficiently as possible, AS YOU CHANGE!

Here are 3 reasons why you should be AUDITING your systems, specifically in Dubsado:


The offerings and services that you have now are most likely completely different or slightly tweaked than what you offered months ago. This means those packages you have set up in Dubsado may not be up-to-date. Which, in turn, means you can't plug and play those packages into your Proposals and invoices. Which, in turn, can lead a less efficient business overall.

I recommend going through your offerings / packages at least once every quarter OR making those changes within Dubsado as the package changes, so that you can keep your business as automated as possible.


Here's the thing — our target audience could change depending on the services you provide. You might provide one service to wedding photographers and another service to brand photographers. Because of this, your brand voice and target audience could be completely different. This not only affects your canned emails and any client communication that goes out to this client, but could affect how you manage that service's workflow.

I recommend going through your canned emails and workflows making sure your brand voice is up-to-date based on the target audience you are trying to speak to. If you lack auditing this step, it could lead your canned emails to sound very robotic and not personalized.


I don't know about you, but I LOVE when new features to a platform rolls out! Especially when that new feature helps make my business even more efficient. On another note, I can understand how new features can stress a business owner out... you finally felt comfortable with the way you were working, and then BOOM, all of sudden that feature has changed and now you have to learn a whole new function!

That's where people like our team come in! We can take note of that new feature and test its capabilities, that way you're using all the latest and greatest features to its fullest potential.

When auditing, I recommend you take note of any new features that have rolled out within the quarter and see if those new features could A) save you time or B) make you more efficient!

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the thought of auditing your systems each quarter!? We offer monthly support retainers, on a quarterly basis, where you can have our team take the lead on this!

You stay in your lane and we keep you efficient!

Ready to learn more? Click here to apply to work with us and we'll schedule a Get to Know You Chat!


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