5 Processes Where You Definitely Need an SOP Within Your Business


Every business should have Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's).

Yes, even small teams and solo-preneurs!

Why? Solo-preneurs are working solo right now, but that doesn't mean they always will. There could come a time in the future, where they have to hire out a project or take on a contractor for extra support or help.

And when that time comes, the last thing you want to spend time doing is having to explain every single bit of your process over and over again. It's best to have it in a document, so they can follow the operating procedures through a step-by-step process.

So, what types of SOPs should you always have within your business? These are 5 most important ones to keep on hand at all times.

1. Lead Inquiry Process.

How do inquiries reach out to you? Is it through a website contact form? Do you have an automatic response? How do you vet through your inquiries?

All of this information should be documented and shared with your new team members that may take the lead on this process while you're unavailable.

2. Client Onboarding Process.

What types of welcome forms do you send new clients? How do you fully onboard them as one of your clients? What needs to happen in order for the onboarding process to be complete?

3. Client Off-Boarding Process.

Do you send a feedback form to your previous clients? Do you send a thank you note or an anniversary card on their 1 year anniversary? Like the onboarding process, what needs to happen in order for the off-boarding process to be completed?

4. Project Management Process.

What are the steps to completing your client's projects? Is there an approval process? What's the typical timing of the project? How do you communicate needs and updates to the client.

Again, this should be noted in a document, so your team members and YOU can easily manage all of the moving parts of a project, without having to worry about the next steps.

5. Bookkeeping Process.

Every business should be keeping track of their finances. Even side-hustles! Why? Because we all have to pay taxes and we all have to keep track of our profit and losses.

How do you manage this? Do you have a spreadsheet? Do you use QuickBooks? Do you reconcile all of your expenses each month? Writing this process out will help you and your team members keep things organized, so it makes your bookkeeper and CPA's lives easier!

Do you currently have SOPs within your business? If not, I highly encourage you work on getting these up to speed. Don't have time? Our team can help — inquire here to get started!


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