3 Signs it’s Time to Make the Move to ClickUp in Your Business


ClickUp is a project management tool made for large corporations, as well as boutique agencies, small teams and even solo-preneurs.

It is basically a one-stop shop to manage all types of projects and house all sorts of information.

For the HQ team, ClickUp has not only changed the way we work, but has created more efficiencies and automations, so things can stay moving while away from our laptops/screens.

And the coolest thing of all? ClickUp has an app that you can download onto your phone, so if you are out and about, you could easily approve projects with a click of a button... on your phone!

Talk about a game-changer from a productivity standpoint!

So, how do you know if your business is ready to make the move to ClickUp?

Below are the 3 signs you are REALLY ready to make the move:

1. Your team is growing.

You used to be a solo-preneur, but now you have contractors or better yet, a full team. (First of all, if you have a team, then you should DEFINITELY move to ClickUp if you haven't already.) BUT, if you have contractors helping or supporting you, I'd still recommend the tool as well!

ClickUp is a great way to stay in contact with your team members and set up automations that will automatically ping a team member to view a task when it enters a specific milestone. This is team management made easy!

2. Your brain has outgrown what you're currently using.

Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of projects you're managing and you just KNOW you need something better to manage it all!? Maybe milestones are getting missed, you're having to follow up on a project to see where it's at within the process, or you don't have a process. If this is you, then ClickUp will be your friend.

Not only does the tool have multiple view types (i.e. Calendar view, List view, Board view, Timeline view, Gantt Chart view etc.), but it has endless amounts of automations to help you run your projects and tasks on autopilot, so you don't have to think about what's next in the process.

3. You want more time to grow your business.

Just because you might be a smaller business, doesn't mean that you can't act as the CEO of your business! If you have a team (whether contractors or employees), then you are probably already playing the role of a CEO. That being said, as a CEO, you are constantly trying to network, grow your business and focus on those needle-moving tasks. You don't have time to think about the moving parts of project or having to constantly check-in on your team members or clients.

With ClickUp, you are able to see an over-arching view of all of the moving parts of your business, while helping manage your team's workload and putting that time and energy into growing your business to the next level! ClickUp also allows you to set your business up with a solid foundation for future growth.

Let's be honest, if you've made it through this entire blog post, you're either here because you aren't sure if ClickUp is good for your OR everybody and their mother has been talking about it and you're genuinely curious about the tool.

So, let me preface that by saying that you can experience greatness and check out the tool for FREE.

Yes, ClickUp has a Free Forever plan, that allows you to test out the features and see if it's the right fit for your business!

Interested in a ClickUp Set Up with us? We focus on 1 client per month and offer a personalized plan for you. Inquire here to get started.


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