5 ClickUp Features You May Not Know About


Ahhh... ClickUp!

The most used productivity tool for solo-preneurs, boutique agencies and high-end corporations.

With ClickUp, you can set up your business systems to be as basic as you'd like to as broad, with multiple moving parts and team members, as you'd prefer.

The possibilities are truly endless. You can say goodbye to written to do lists and having to remember alllllll of the things as a solo-preneur, to seeing an over-arching view of your team's workload.

So, what are some of the "behind the scenes" features that ClickUp offers? Here are a list of 5 of my FAVORITES that are on the business plan and up!

  1. Email Integration

    Did you know that you can email directly in ClickUp!? With the Business plan, you can integrate ClickUp with your Gmail and send emails within a task. AND you can even save email templates, so all you have to do is send an email with a few clicks of a button. No more having to copy and paste canned emails or having to manually follow up with a client as a project moves throughout the process.

  2. Task Dependency

    Task relationships/dependencies are available on all ClickUp plans. If you have a task that is dependent on another task, you can create a relationship between those 2 tasks — meaning, task 2 does not begin until task 1 is completed. This can be used for content creation calendars, when repurposing content, and when there are multiple moving parts of a project and different team members are working on different tasks.

  3. Team Workload Management

    Are you looking for a tool that can show you an at-a-glance view of your team's workload? Better yet, you may be looking for an option to easily make sure each team member's workload is balanced. With ClickUp, you can manage how many tasks each team member is working on, the amount of time they are working on those tasks and sprint points, if your business uses an Agile system.

  4. Calendar Integration

    Did you know you can connect your Google Calendar with ClickUp? From a Calendar view in ClickUp, not only can you see the tasks you have on your plate for that day, but you can also see what you have on your Google Calendar for that day. I love this feature, because I can log into ClickUp and see EVERYTHING I have going on for that day or the upcoming week.

  5. Goal Management

    Do you have an over-arching goal that can be narrowed down into simple tasks? In ClickUp, you can create a large goal and narrow it down into targets AKA tasks where you measure the completion of that goal. This is great for reaching a common goal with your team or helping you determine what else needs to be completed in order to reach your annual goals each year.

The 5 features, above, help keep your business organized and productive. Not only will this build efficiencies, but also prevent anything from falling through the cracks — which can happen from time to time!

Have you or are you looking to make the move to ClickUp? Are you needing help setting up your systems within ClickUp? Our team can help! Click here to get started.


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