4 Dubsado Forms You Need to Up-Level Your Client Experience


Your client experience helps sell your business!

I'll repeat that for those in the back — your client experience HELPS your business sell!

Without a great client experience, you won't be referred to other clients, you won't have a good reputation, and you could possibly risk losing current clients.

So, how do you up-level your client experience from start to finish? You want to start with creating branded and easy to follow processes and forms.

Below are the 4 forms I recommend you have set up in your Dubsado account.

  1. Lead Capture Form

    Are you looking for an easy way to collect inquiries? A Lead Capture Form is the way to go! In Dubsado, not only can you embed this form onto your website, but you can share an external link to the form, so inquiries can easily reach out. And the coolest part of having a Lead Capture Form in Dubsado? You can automatically trigger a workflow to begin, so you send automatic follows ups and are informed when someone new inquires with you!

  2. Onboarding Form

    A client just signed a contract with you! Yay! Congrats! So, what are the next steps in your onboarding process? Do they have to schedule a Kick-Off Call with you? Do you need more information from them? Will you send them follow ups throughout your time together? Utilizing an onboarding form helps you collect this information prior to you providing a service to them. The best thing about them filling out an online form? You can easily go back to that information at any time during the project!

  3. Proposals / Brochures

    In Dubsado, Proposals can be connected to a contract and an invoice. Do you have a custom quote for a client? Instead of having them approve your custom quote, AND THEN sending them your contract and invoice, you can send them a proposal and have them fully book with you with just a few clicks of a button. It saves you time. It saves them time. And it prevents confusion as to how to book their date or project with you! Thus, leading to a better client experience and the eagerness to want to work with you in the future!

  4. Feedback Form

    Always, always, always ask for feedback! Yes, even if you had an unhappy client. Gathering feedback from clients will help create an even better experience in the future and help you learn from your previous mistakes! I highly recommend a feedback form is sent following the completion of the project or the end of an event.

Utilizing these 4 forms will truly help you up-level your client experience and have them wanting to work with you more in the future, or better yet, refer you to other individuals.

We can help you customize these forms in your own branding through a customized Dubsado Set Up. Reach out today to get started!


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