4 Reasons You Need to Invest in a CRM Tool


Not having a CRM tool can prevent you from having a great client experience.

AHEM! Let me say that again... NOT having a CRM tool, can PREVENT you from having a great client experience!

There — I said it.

Let's rewind and go over what a CRM tool is. A CRM tool (Customer Relationship Management tool) is a platform you use within your business to manage customer relations!

CRM tools can manage the relationship between a lead, a current client and an off-boarded or previous client.

And what's even more awesome? Most CRM tools have the capabilities to automate that relationship, so you can take a step back and allow the system to keep the client relationship moving forward, WITHOUT burning yourself out and having to do everything manually!

So, what are some reasons that you should invest in a CRM tool within your business?


We are human. We make mistakes. We don't get everything right. And we just can't do it all. And that's okay!

Instead of trying to keep a manual relationship going with a lead or a current client, set up your CRM tool to send automatic emails, follow ups, appointment reminders and more! This allows you to have a GREAT client experience, without having to worry about following up with a client. Remember, the better the client experience, the more likely they are to work with you!


Do you send Contracts, Forms, Proposals? Do you have a Lead Capture Form that you send to potential clients?

Now, let me ask — is all of that content branded, user friendly for the client and easily accessed by you at any time during the project? If not, then you need to invest in a CRM tool. With a CRM tool you can house templates of these forms all in one spot and plug and play those forms into a Client's project. And the best thing? All of these forms will be in your brand colors, fonts and images!


With CRM tools, you can set up workflows and automations that'll automatically do the work for you.

If you need to send an appointment link to a client, as soon as they fill out a form, then your in luck! In a CRM, you can set up a workflow to send this appointment link AUTOMATICALLY once a form is completed! You don't even have to worry about the next step in a process, because the system will do it for you!


Are you using Google Forms, Calendly for scheduling, Google Drive for Proposals and Questionnaires, Google Docs for Canned Emails and having to click in 20,000 places just to handle one client!?

You're in luck, again! A CRM tool can be your one-stop shop and house ALL of this content all in one place. Even better, you can plug and play this information into a client's project, so you're doing things with a click of a button!

Are you looking for a CRM tool for your business? I would start with Honeybook or Dubsado. Both are powerful tools and can help automate your business to get your running on autopilot!

Interested in our custom set ups? Reach out today!


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