8 Tips to Improve Your Work From Home Experience as an Entrepreneur

This time last year I was 6 months into my online business and new to the whole 'working from home thing'.

When I worked at a corporate 9 to 5 job, I rarely had the option to work from home so this was a huge transition that I had to make.

Now that I've been working from home for one and a half years, I've learned A LOT about how to stay motivated and keep on task.

Let me start off by saying that working from home has its ups and downs. Some days I love it and some days it's hard. Feelings of seclusion and lack of motivation can come on quickly and you have to fight it day in and day out!

Here's what I've learned when it comes to being a stay-at-home entrepreneur:

  1. Get Ready for the Day. Just because you are at home, doesn’t mean that you can slack on your every day routine. It’s actually important to stick to a normal routine. I like to wake up around 7, work out, shower, get dressed and head on over to my home office computer.

  2. Designated Workspace. Do yourself a favor and set up a temporary room or space in your home that’s designated to you working. This is so important when it comes to balance and setting boundaries. Work is done in your “office space” and home life is done in the rest of the house. Don't get distracted by the laundry that is piling up and the dishes that are in the sink. If you were in an office, those things wouldn't even be top of mind!

  3. Water and Meals. Drink plenty of water daily. Water not only helps with digestion but also keeps you energized throughout the day when all you want to do around 3pm is lay on the couch for an afternoon nap. Also, don’t skip meals. Have breakfast while checking your emails in the morning and ALWAYS take a lunch break to step away from your computer. Trust me, you’ll thank me later!

  4. Take Breaks. Take lots of breaks. Get up for more water, pour a cup of tea, go spend time with the kids, walk the dog, put that load of laundry in! Whenever you get a chance, take a break and when you’re ready head back to your office space and get your head back in the game. It’s rejuvenating!

  5. Play Music. A luxury of working from home is that you can put headphones in or blast whatever music you want to get your head straight! There’s no interruptions and no coworkers to complain about the type of music you chose. So blast away and enjoy this time (and freedom!). For all you moms out there, blast music to drown out the distractions from your kids or do it during nap/quiet time!

  6. Set a Schedule. Set a schedule and stick to it! Your calendar says you have meetings from 9-12 and you promised the kids for a family walk at noon? Great! Stick to it! Will you plan to get some work done at 8 when the kids go to bed? Great! Stick to that! But make sure you do it from the office because, boundaries, remember!?

  7. Stay Connected. One thing I've found is to stay connected with other entrepreneurs whether that be through a small group call each week, Voxer messages here and there or a networking event that you push yourself to go to each month. This little bit of connection not only holds you accountable but helps you get that social interaction you are missing from being in an office every day.

  8. Do Some Self Care Daily. As entrepreneurs, we are always doing things for others, whether it be for our clients or our team members. BUT the most important thing to remember is that if we don't show up for ourselves first, we won't be able to show up for our clients second. Make sure you schedule a workout session, a self care night or time away from all negative distractions.

To see more of my wellbeing tips, follow me at @hqvirtualsolutions on Instagram or sign up to receive our monthly newsletter, The HQ Hustle.

'Til next time.


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