Five Zaps That Can Help Automate Your Business Even More


First of all, if you clicked to read this blog post, you most likely already know what a "Zap" is.

But for those that don't know — a "Zap" is an automatic trigger/action that connects 2 separate online tools, using a program called Zapier. (i.e. Dubsado to Zapier to Flodesk)

Zapier is a great tool to use when you utilize multiple tools or programs in your business, but you need them to automatically "speak" (or integrate) with one another.

That being said, let's get into the 5 Zaps I recommend to help your business become even more automated.

Adding New Inquiries as Email Subscribers

Any time you receive a new inquiry, you can set up a Zap to move that new inquiry over to your email subscriber list.

The "Zap" can automatically pull things such as the inquiry's first/last name and their email address. Meaning this manual step can be removed from your To Do List!

Adding New Clients as Email Subscribers

Similar to when you receive a new inquiry, you can automatically add newly onboarded clients, or those who purchase your digital products, to your email list.

Again, Zapier would automatically pull all the same information as above, thus removing this manual step in your process.

Assigning Tasks for Onboarding Clients

Onboarding a new client can have a lot of moving parts. You may need to gather information from that client. You may need to remind yourself to follow up with them about this information. Or you may need to assign team members to that new client.

All of this can be automated through Zapier. Setting up a "Zap" after a client signs their contract can tell your project management tool to assign tasks to you and your team members.

This completely diminishes the need to think through next steps and prevents mistakes or having things falling through the cracks!

Adding New Inquiries to a Worksheet

Are you a Google Sheet person? Do you like to have an overarching table view that shows all inquiries and clients?

Zapier can automatically add a new row to this Google Sheet, or Table View, and pull all of the client's information directly from your CRM tool.

You can say goodbye to the manual step of having to add a new row and filling in this information every single time.

Notifying Team Members After File Uploads

If you're a photographer or graphic designer, chances are you use a digital hard drive, like Dropbox or Google Drive.

What if, instead of manually letting team members know that the files have been uploaded to your drive, that Zapier does it for you?

Setting up a "Zap" to communicate this upload can save you time, especially when you're sitting by your computer waiting for all those photos to be uploaded.

Remember, these are just a few example "Zaps", out of the countless other ones that can help fully automate/integrate different tools within your business.

If you aren't sure what's possible, you can check out Zapier for free and get an idea of the endless automations the tool can provide. Remember, you can set up 5 Zaps for free before you have to sign up for a paid version.

Not sure where to begin with Zapier or your business systems? Reach out today and we'll schedule a complimentary Get to Know You Chat.


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