Five Ways to Create Boundaries within Your Business


Creating boundaries with clients can be tricky!

Let's face it, as you're trying to build a great reputation, you want to be able to provide a great client experience. This means you may say "yes" to more things than usual, you may make exceptions to your rules for certain clients or you may be afraid to change the way you've always run things!

But, unfortunately, without boundaries, you can easily become burnt out and make multiple mistakes.

On the flip side, boundaries are important when it comes to maintaining a great relationship with your ideal clients and ensuring that you continue to provide a top-notch, white-glove client experience!

Boundaries don't have to be intimidating or mean.

In fact, here are 5 things I recommend you do to set boundaries within your business.


Communication is key. Set expectations up front letting clients know what they can expect from you and when... and then stick to those expectations.

For example, when a new inquiry reaches out to you, send them an automatic email letting them know that you will respond to their message within an allotted time. This will help them know when they can expect to hear from you, so they don't feel like they've been ghosted!

Also, don't forget to keep those lines of communication open. You want to make sure the client is aware of how they can communicate with you and when they can expect a response from you throughout your time together.

Clear Scope of Work

Clearly communicating or outlining what type of services you will provide them, and what is outside of that scope of work, will prevent clients from making unreasonable requests.

Having a contract in place, with this scope of work, will also give you the upper hand when it comes to client's asking for more from you.

I will also note that as you grow in business and work with more clients, you will determine what should be included in your scope of work outlines. Don't get discouraged if you learn from your mistakes on this one!

Your Availability

What days and times are you available for things like client calls, inbox responses and other appointments, as needed?

Perhaps you only like to schedule calls and appointments on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays? This sets a boundary for yourself, while also giving the client plenty of options that will also pertain to their schedule.

Also, when can clients expect to hear a response from you? Setting up an automatic responder, through your email, that lets them know when they can expect to get a response, will help the client feel well taken care of!

(Or better yet? Put your availability in the Signature Section of your email. The more the client sees it, the more likely they are to understand if it takes a day or two for you to respond to them!)

Don’t Be Afraid to Say “NO”

In business, there are always a few inquiries/clients that consistently overstep on your boundaries.

If you are not vibing with them or are realizing you two might not be a good fit for working together, do not be afraid to say "no" to working with them.

That doesn't mean you have to be rude about it. In fact, explaining to them why you two may not be a good fit and/or providing a list of other business names, is a great way to send them on their way.

Take Care of Yourself

You can't take care of your clients, if you don't take care of yourself first!

I'll say it again, for those in the back...

"You can't take care of your clients, if you don't take care of yourself first!"

This one is so important.

Prioritizing your own self-care and taking care of yourself — especially through those busy seasons — is the perfect cocktail when it comes to avoiding burnout.

Well, there you have it, folks! Boundaries are key when it comes to building and maintaining a successful business.

And one of the best ways to do this is through automations. Setting up automations within your business, help you set clear boundaries with your clients, without having to consistently remind them of those boundaries.

Need support or need help talking this through? Inquire here. We can help you get your life back!


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