10 Pros and Cons of the NEW ClickUp AI Feature


Just a few weeks ago, I added the ClickUp AI feature to my workspace.

With the latest ChatGPT craze, I was genuinely curious about how much AI could improve and/or change the way we all work within ClickUp.

Below are my thoughts.

First off, the ClickUp AI feature has many advantages.


AI is great for brainstorming content ideas.

For those who struggle to come up with content ideas or those having an "off day" - because, let's be honest, we all have those days - AI is a great option. Like ChatGPT, you can ask AI to provide content based on a specific topic, and it will develop it in just a few seconds!

AI is great for generating quick SOPs, Action Items, Meeting Agendas, and more.

Suppose you need a quick SOP or meeting agenda created to send out to your team. In that case, you can open a task, type in the information needed within that template, and quickly generate it.

AI is a great way to repurpose content.

Need to rewrite a blog post into a social media post? Or write an Instagram post based on your podcast transcripts? You can ask AI to easily repurpose this content in a few short seconds!

AI is a great way to check your grammar.

Writing content late at night? Or having a hard time getting your words out? We've all been there! Ask AI to check your grammar or improve your writing so that it's easy to understand.

AI is an easy way to summarize long pieces of content.

You can easily save time by asking AI to summarize meeting notes or a long-to-read article or book.

Although AI has some great advantages, there are some limitations to the feature. Below are my thoughts.


AI provides a robotic version of written content.

The feature is meant to save you time. But I've found that the content it has written has been on a more basic level. You still need to add in some filler words to make it more conversational and personable.

AI lacks your viewpoints and opinions.

Here's the thing - you can ask AI to share content ideas all day long, but it will never be from YOU! Your opinions, your viewpoints, your basic human thoughts, can never be replaced by AI.

AI can provide wrong information.

As I was testing out this feature, I asked AI about industry trends for Dubsado. One of the responses talked about Dubsado's phone application - which, if you use Dubsado, you know Dubsado does NOT have an app. The fact that AI provided incorrect information was a huge red flag to me.

AI causes a higher possibility of plagiarism.

If everyone and their mother is using AI, there's a much higher risk of plagiarism, especially if people are just out there copying and pasting content into different platforms.

AI provides similar features as ChatGPT.

Alright, I'm going to say it. I've tested out both the AI feature and ChatGPT, and if you're looking for ways to save time when it comes to content ideas or writing ONLY, I would stick to ChatGPT.

Ultimately, ClickUp AI can save you time when it comes to busy schedules.

Is it worth the investment?

My answer: It depends on what you use ClickUp for. Wanting a quick and easy way to create content? Stick to ChatGPT. Wanting a quick and easy way to create SOPs, Meeting Agendas, Data Tables, and more? Then ClickUp AI might be a great investment for you!

Interested in learning more about this and other ClickUp features? Follow us on Instagram.


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