7 Things You Need in a Client Onboarding Email


Your client onboarding email (or welcome email) sets the tone for the beginning of your working relationship with a new client.

It is one of the most important pieces of communication when it comes to the client experience.

Think about it. A client just signed a contract with you, paid a deposit (if that's required), and trusted you to take care of them.

They want good service. They want to feel important. They want zero regrets.

So, in order to have a great first impression, here are some pieces of information you need in that client onboarding/welcome email.


Begin the email with a personalized greeting — in your brand's vibe, of course!

You want to welcome them with open arms and set a positive tone from the start.

Get to the Process.

Nothing is worse than opening a welcome email and seeing paragraphs of information.

Your client has already booked you. You are done trying to "schmooze" them. Get to the point of the email, and that's the process of what's next.

Set the Timeline.

Communicate your timeline expectations with them. Let them know when they need items from you and when they can expect to hear from you throughout your time working together.

Ask for Information.

What pieces of information do you need from them? Do you need them to fill out an onboarding form?

Make sure you have easily provided this information in the onboarding email, so they know exactly what type of information you need from them.

Include Attachments.

Along with an onboarding form/questionnaire, it's pretty common to also have a welcome packet for your new client to follow.

You want to make sure you include this as an attachment or give them a way they can access this packet and read through it.

Quick tip: Your client's personal portal within your CRM tool is a great place to house this packet.

Call to Action.

This one is often overlooked in an onboarding/welcome email, but asking the client to respond to make sure they've received the information they need is super important.

This prevents the wrong person from reading this email and/or makes sure the client has taken the time to read through everything.

Quick tip: You could also add a link to schedule a call with you in case the client has any questions along the way.

Express Appreciation.

And last, but not least, make sure you thank the client for choosing your business and express excitement about working with them.

Without them, your business wouldn't be!

REMEMBER: The ultimate goal of an onboarding/welcome email is to set the stage for a successful working relationship and to make them feel comfortable with their choice to work with you!

We can support you in writing this email and making sure you have all of the components needed.

When you're ready, we're here to help.


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