5 Benefits to Using Dubsado in Your Business

So... you have multiple inquiries, a couple of clients and NO TIME!

I see you, and I get it 👀 This means you're ready to invest in a CRM tool!

Let's STOP and answer what a CRM tool is!? A CRM (customer relationship management) tool is a program you can join, where it not only holds all of your customer (or in this case, client) information, BUT it can manage the relationship you have WITH those clients.

Building and maintaining relationships, whether they be current or potential clients, can be not only time consuming but can be hard to manage WITHOUT a CRM.

Let me explain: A client schedules a call with you. You send them a follow up asking for more information. A day before the call, you send them a reminder email. AND an hour before the call, you send them another reminder email. Then, let's not forget sending them an email AFTER the call to follow up and send them a proposal of your services or products, then the invoices, contracts and so forth...

Think about it... how many minutes do you think you wasted with logging into your email, typing out the email, sending the form, putting together a contract for them, updating the paid invoices and the list goes on and on...

MY GUESS: Once it's all added up, I would say about an hour or more! 🤯


Let's look at some of the benefits DUBSADO can do for your service-based business 👇🏼


Feeling like a broken record and writing the same emails over and over again, but just switching out the names? Dubsado can hold canned emails for you! With a click of a button, you can add a canned email and have the customer information auto-populated into the email. Click send and BOOM — you're done!


So you have a new inquiry!? Congrats! Add a customized form to your Dubsado platform and have it automatically sent to that new inquiry. Have them schedule a call, trigger Dubsado to send reminder emails and there you have it — you didn't even have to lift a finger!


Dubsado has the capability to create multiple forms such as questionnaires, file uploads, lead inquiry forms, sub-contracts and MORE! You can use customized fonts, colors and multiple styles from their template library so it makes it easy for you to stay on BRAND!


Connect your Dubsado calendar to your Google calendar (or any other calendar that you regularly use). Mark it so that potential clients can ONLY book calls with you on certain days and certain times. Offering paid strategy calls? Have clients pay their invoice BEFORE booking a call with you! Again — you didn't have to lift a finger!


Did you have a successful inquiry call? With a few clicks of the button, send potential clients your proposals. Once they choose the package they want, it will automatically prompt them to sign the contract and pay their invoice (if necessary). Personally, this feature has saved me HOURS!

Unsure of how to set up a new lead inquiry workflow within Dubsado? We can help! The below video walks you through how our new inquiry workflow is set up. And remember, you can always customize it for your OWN business!

Dubsado was the first investment I made within my business and I still LOVE it to this day!

Struggling with all things Dubsado? Allow our team to take the lead on that for you. From customized forms, workflow automations and assisting you with getting your business efficient, our Dubsado Set Ups can help you! Click below to inquire with us!


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